We will be awarding 7300 km minimum this year: NHAI

June 9, 2011

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In an interview with ET Now, Dr. JN Singh , Director Finance, NHAI, talks about the NHAI’s future projects and future strategy. Excerpts:

ET Now: Could you outline for us the quantum of new orders you have released in the first two months of this financial?

Dr. JN Singh: Around 1000 kms is what we have already released this year so far in the first two months. We are geared for around say 700-800 km in the next quarter as well per month.

ET Now: So can I safely assume that you will meet your guidance of awarding new contracts of at least 7500 crores?

Dr. JN Singh: Yes, 7300 km is what we definitely feel that we will be achieving this year. Most of the awards we expect right now that will be completed by December-January itself and we are fully geared for that. The feasibility reports are very well prepared. The land acquisition is substantially in place, and the things look okay right now.

ET Now: But lately we have seen that there have been several issues as far as land acquisition is concerned. Recently there has been widespread violence in Uttar Pradesh over land acquisition. How is NHAI looking to tackle this problem?

Dr. JN Singh: Fortunately as far as NHAI is concerned, we have not experienced such type of opposition so far. Maybe this opposition is because the UP projects are also taking commercial ventures along with the road and that’s what angers farmers or the land holders. As far as NHAI is concerned, it is doing purely a road building. It is not so far at least is mixing commercial ventures with the roadside. So that’s why though there would be some complaints about the lower rate that we are offering or at times people would like to go to arbitration for land acquisition but there has been no concerted move at any place, anywhere in the country that land acquisition as far as NHAI is concerned is a problem. It is of course an issue.

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